16 December 2014


Immagine that moment right after you take off your make up, especially after a long night, most of the time the skin is dry and blotchy or you even have some red patches, sometimes your skin is not sufficently clean and you haven't removed all mascara completely, result : you struggle with your skincare!  I've struggled too! And i've tested so many produtcs, from gel to mousse, wipes and different micelle water, when finally i've tried Crealine H20 from Bioderma. It was made to respect fragility of sensitive skin, but every type of skin can use it. Effectively it cleanses and remove make up -even waterproof mascara- purifying face and eyes while protecting it and it produces an immediately sense of instant freshness. It is very gentle and left the feeling of a very mosturised and soft skin. Moreover it has a nice, delicate fragrance and you don't have to rince after. So i become devoted to this amazing product, it is a great way to keep my skin supple and flawless and now i just can't do without. It so important to go to sleep with a completely cleaned skin, and this wonder product is the perfect solution. The formula is alcohol free and paraben free. Something i really liked also about this product is the format, i travel a lot so i need a good selection of daily products in travel size and Bioderma help me with the 100 ml bottle -always with me-,  this format is also very good for testing this product but once you try it, you'll buy the other bigger formats -i'm sure!- (250 ml or 500 ml) to keep them at home. In one word: indispensable!
Vote: 5/5