12 December 2014

The Inner Beauty #1 -The Motivation Factor

On this blog i often talk about fashion, beauty, i present you some good products for your daily beauty routine, some great make ups and trendy clothes and accessories. But it's very important to focus on your inner beauty, it doesn't matter how much you invest in cosmetics or clothes, sparkling make up, firstly you must have an inner shine and be confident with yourself, no matter what your size is, no matter how you look like. The very first step to take care of yourself is being confident with yourself. I would like to help you to find your sparkle but there no such a beauty product or makeover than can actually help you. You must be able to find who you are and you don't have to comform to stereotypes, you can be yourself and be succesfull, in life, in love, in the way other people look at you. Ofcourse you need to feel good in your skin, that's what i'm trying to do with this blog, but as first, work on your motivation in 5 easy steps.

1. ACTION! Make December a productive month, so you feel a sense of achievement before the year's out. List six (or less, you must be sure you will do all of them, even if you start with a short list) things to do this month.
2. SUSTAIN! Focusing on the basic human kindness and gratitute help us sustain motivation.
3. INDULGE! Your senses, experience your daily life instead of going through in a robotic way, so don't just have a quick scrub in the bath, let's have a soak and try a little something new everyday.
4. SPILL OVER! What do you enjoy the most? Whatever it is, make sure you do it regurarly.
5. FORGET NEGATIVES! Research for positive vibes, be the best you can be! And remember, know who you are, be clear about you strenghts and weaknesses, it will allow you to apply yourself in the most effective way possible. 

And now enjoy your  week-end!